Linus Torvalds takes a break from Linux

Linus Torvalds takes a break from Linux

The weekly message that Linus Torvalds sends to the Linux kernel mailing list (LKML) has come with an unexpected surprise: Torvalds announces he’s going to get temporarily out from the project. The creator of Linux explains in the statement that he will take a break “to change some of my behavior” and includes those that seem sincere apologies for his inappropriate behavior in the public and private discussions he has held with certain developers.

Hollywood drives Open Source in film making

Hollywood drives Open Source in film making

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of the United States and the Linux Foundation have joined efforts to create the Academy Software Foundation (ASWF). This organization was born with the aim to provide “a neutral forum for Open Source software developers in the motion picture and broader media industries to share resources and collaborate on technologies for image creation, visual effects, animation and sound”, as explained in the official announcement.

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