Balance VDI user experience and security

by | Mar 16, 2017

ETIQUETAS: Security | Tips | VDI-en

In the world of VDI, balance is also essential when it comes to user experience and security. Unfortunately for VDI administrators, there is no all-powerful chosen one who can swoop in and deliver the balance they need. One of the measures for securing your VDI is to allocate enough hardware resources to ensure virtual desktops perform at least as well as physical desktops do.

SSO allows users to access all of their virtual resources with one set of login credentials. On the surface it might seem like a security risk to have one login cover everything, because if hackers steal the credentials, they can access whatever they want. But it actually can improve security. The more passwords users have to remember and the more complex the passwords get, the more likely users are to write them down, which is a major security risk.

Another way to boost security with single sign-on is to combine it with two-factor authentication, which requires multiple credentials to login. Two-factor authentication can use passwords, biometric features or security tokens as authentication tools.

VDI admins should turn to end user experience monitoring tools so they can find out how long users’ login times are, what the input responsiveness is like and how the graphics look. If aspects of the user experience drop below specific levels, many monitoring tools can alert admins so they know they must fix something.

Finally, admins should look at stopping certain processes, such as hard disk defragmentation, that are a problem on physical desktops but waste precious resources on virtual desktops.

You can find more details in the original article, TechTarget.



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