Microsoft may release Windows as Open Source

by | Apr 7, 2015

Microsoft could release Windows code. So says Mark Russinovich, one of the most important developers in the company. Russinovich made these statements in ChefConf, a Conference held in Silicon Valley which is mostly attended by Linux users. There, the developer said that we are now facing "a new Microsoft, where an Open Source Windows is possible".

Russinovich explained this would be an important step for the company evolution, since nowadays most Microsoft's users and customers rely on Open Source. Therefore, the Redmond giant "also should bet on it", explained. In addition, he explained that the company already allows Linux in its Azure cloud service and that, in fact, today 20% computers using this service work with the Penguin-OS.

The developer explained at this event that inside Microsoft there has been much discussion on this topic and for technicians as himself, it is “a necessary change”.

These comments show how the mentality of this company is evolving, something that is also evident through the movements they are making, as the release of the tool .NET which is used to create online applications.

For more information, read the full article in English Microsoft: An Open Source Windows Is ‘Definitely Possible’



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