Login PI available: VDI performance monitoring

by | Apr 29, 2015

ETIQUETAS: Cloud-en | Hot news | VDI-en

Yesterday we had the opportunity to listen Brian Madden and Gabe Knuth, well-known virtualization experts, presenting Login PI, new Login VSI solution that monitors virtual desktop performance.

This new tool, gives IT the advantage of understanding the current end user experience within their VDI environment by using highly realistic synthetic users instead of production end users.

The virtual user logs in and launches common applications, recording how long it takes for the tasks to complete. The system then watches for any large discrepancies in the results and can generate alerts based on those discrepancies. For example, if logging on normally takes seconds, but one day takes minutes, Login PI will notify an administrator that something is not working as expected in the environment.

Moreover, it provides early warnings on performance, before they are experienced by end users and regularly test and manage your virtualized desktop environment and regularly test and manage virtualized desktop environments.

With performance insights from Login PI, IT can be more proactive and effective in delivering high availability and an excellent end user experience. Because VDI environments are so complex and interactive, troubleshooting requires a proactive approach.

PFor further information, listen the podcast and access all available resources at Login VSI blog



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