Apple bets on Open Source & moves from VMware to KVM

by | Oct 6, 2015


Apple has decided not to renew VMware's license agreement for server virtualization and it is planning to move to an Open Source alternative: KVM. So says CRN in this article published yesterday.

The company has been using VMware's server virtualization and cloud management software from 2011 to run part of its IT corporate infrastructure.

It seems that Apple's executives don't agree with the terms described in the license agreement extension, which would cost around 20 million dollars and that's the main reason why they have decided not to renew it.

Apple has been evaluating both OpenStack and KVM. Currently, it is only clear that they are going to use KVM, which has been positioned as a lower-cost alternative for VMware ESXi hypervisor and it is being promoted by companies such as IBM and Red Hat.

The move from VMware to KVM could help Apple save million of dollars in licensing costs as they scale up their cloud infrastructure, in the same way as other big technology companies have done, eg Amazon Web Services, Google and Facebook.

Apple’s use of Open Source isn’t something new. They have been talking about their use of Apache Mesos cluster-manager in Siri’s infrastructure.



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