Open Source trends for 2018

by | Feb 9, 2018

ETIQUETAS: Hot news | Open source

During 2017, around 24 million people from around 200 countries developed code to improve projects in more than 25 million Open Source repositories in GitHub. The data collected during the past year helps to identify the trends of this year 2018. Everything suggests that this year the Open Source projects that will grow most will focus on the following topics:

Cross-platform development. Projects based on web or multiplatform development that simplify the development process, shortening the time from the start of the project to implementation on desktop platforms and mobile devices.

Deep learning. Projects on artificial intelligence that solve complex problems and that are interesting for multiple sectors in the industry.

New habilities. Projects related to learning how to code, coding best practices, organizing projects, providing code examples …

For more information about the most prominent projects on GitHub read the full article.



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