Hollywood drives Open Source in film making

by | Sep 12, 2018

ETIQUETAS: Hot news | Open source

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of the United States and the Linux Foundation have joined efforts to create the Academy Software Foundation (ASWF). This organization was born with the aim to provide “a neutral forum for Open Source software developers in the motion picture and broader media industries to share resources and collaborate on technologies for image creation, visual effects, animation and sound”, as explained in the official announcement.

The mission of this foundation is to increase the quality and quantity of open source contributions by developing a governance model, legal framework and community infrastructure that lowers the barrier to entry for developing and using open source software.

The ASWF arises after two years of previous work, in which the Science and Technology Council of the Film Academy has been investigating the use of Open Source software in this industry. The results encouraged to create this new foundation, since according to the data collected, more than 80% of the sector uses Open Source software, especially for animation and visual effects.

David Morin, Project Manager of Open Source Research at the Academy explains in the announcement that “the Academy Software Foundation is set to provide funding, structure and infrastructure for the open source community, so that engineers can continue to collaborate and accelerate software development for moviemaking and other media for the next 25 years”.

For his part, Jim Zemlin, executive director of The Linux Foundation states that “with the Academy Software Foundation, we are providing a home for this community of open source developers to collaborate and drive the next wave of innovation across the motion picture and broader media industries”.

More information about Academy Software Foundation here.



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