Lawrence Froymovich, the class mentor who is representing Team Roboboogie’s business department for this class, explained how the support of the UDS Enterprise team has been essential to prepare students for the challenge:
“Our robotics team is hosting this year a three-month-long weekly Robotics Build and Design Class for students interested in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). These kids are part of our outreach effort and we hope to develop them as the next generation for FTC and STEM.
These classes take place for 90 minutes and will teach “young engineers” the necessary skills to build animals, arms, claws, and competitive battle bots using CAD (computer animated design). Class participants will even get a chance to 3D print their design ideas and test them using computer animation. By doing so, we wish to lead the students into the technical world of FTC’s 2019 Rover Ruckus challenge.
Several weeks before our first class, we realized we did not have a way of centrally managing and giving students access to Autodesk CAD programs, given the low-power computers they use in school.
In order to efficiently run these CAD programs, we got in contact with VirtualCable, a software development company we knew would offer very well performing terminal services. We hoped to be able to utilize their UDS Enterprise’s connection broker with our very low-power clients to enable our students to learn intricate CAD programs.
The UDS Enterprise team provided us with an extended version of UDS Enterprise Evaluation Edition and helped us configuring Inventor online as a virtual application and making it available for our students through a web browser.
On October 17th we successfully used our school’s Chromebooks, which are fully compatible with UDS Enterprise, and started our students using Inventor online!”
These students will keep on learning how to create their own robots. In this way, they develop STEM skills and practice engineering principles, while realizing the value of innovation and working as a team. During this term, they will work hard to qualify for the Super-Regional Championships and an exciting FIRST Championship.