VDI to follow the recommendations to prevent Coronavirus

by | Mar 6, 2020

The Coronavirus crisis is leading governments around the world to adopt exceptional measures to prevent the spread of the disease. In Spain, the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy has published a Guide for the workplace in relation to the new Coronavirus. It provides information on the application of labor regulations and includes a series of preventive measures so that companies know how to act if there is a risk of infection in the workplace. Among them, teleworking is mentioned, which for many companies is feasible thanks to the adoption of technologies such as desktop virtualization.

As explained by the Secretary of State for Labor, Joaquín Pérez, in case the operation of a company is affected by the virus, “remote working as an alternative” is recommended. The document indicates that “telecommuting could be adopted by collective or individual agreement, with an exceptional character, for the development of essential tasks that cannot be carried out in the usual physical center”. This measure adapts perfectly to the needs of many companies and would prevent them from having to interrupt their activity and suspend contracts temporarily.

The Ministry of Health also adds to this recommendation. Fernando Simón, Director of the Alerts and Health Emergencies Center, mentioned that they contemplate exceptional measures for “specific areas” where the disease is making a dent. Among them, also include “recommending teleworking”.

Many firms have already adopted this measure. Twitter has announced that its employees from Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea will not be able to go to work at the offices, they should continue with their functions remotely from their homes. The headquarters of Microsoft in Seattle has asked its workers not to go to the offices in the coming weeks. 200 Ericsson employees in Malaga are working from home on a temporary basis after a visit to the office of a worker in Croatia who may have been exposed to the virus. El Corte Inglés has also resolved that all those workers who have recently visited cities such as Turin, Milan or Venice have to work mandatory from home until further notice. CaixaBank has decided to encourage this practice for its workers in Asia. And Boeing recommends telecommuting “whenever possible.” For its part, Vodafone Spain is performing a drill today to be prepared in case the health crisis gets worse: the 2,200 employees of its headquarters will work from home throughout the working day.

Given this scenario, desktop and application virtualization has become the best ally of companies that, due to their professional activity or for certain jobs, can consider this alternative. With this technology, employees can develop their professional activity from their homes using the same software and applications as in their physical workplaces.

There are workplace virtualization solutions that can be implemented practically from one day to another. You just have to take into account the specific needs of the organization and each group of users, as well as the resources that must be allocated for them to work remotely.

As many specialists point out and experience has shown, the crises accelerate the plans of the companies to establish solutions. You only have to choose the most suitable one.

Do you need help to check if it is possible to implement telecommuting in your company? Download a free trial version of our VDI broker and, if you need it, get in touch with our team of experts through [email protected]



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