Bootstrap your Open Source Project with GitHub

by | Jun 8, 2017

ETIQUETAS: Open source | Tips

There's much more to managing a project with git beyond just committing code and working with branches. GitHub-Driven Development is a process that will help you organize and manage the progression of a project on GitHub, although much of this could be applied to other systems, such as GitLab, as well. This concept isn't only for developers; it can be used for project managers or anyone involved in the development of a project-it could even be applied to non-code projects.

While using git on the command line is a useful skill in itself, most people get by with only a handful of commands. If you’re working on the Linux kernel, it’s likely you’ll need to know some more advanced git, but if you’re keeping your personal projects on GitHub or contributing to a small open source project, you’ll probably mange with clone, status, commit, pull, and push.

Try these tips to better organize and manage the progression of a project on GitHub:

-Create issues to drive your project’s development.

-Promote conversation around your issues.

-Use labels and milestones to organize your issues.

-Use other tools to manage your project within GitHub.

-Promote and welcome participation.

-Ensure participation is as easy as possible.

Source: Open Source.



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