Canonical officially launches its OpenStack distribution

by | Nov 4, 2014

Coinciding with the OpenStack Summit, which is held this week in Paris, Canonical has officially launched its distribution of Ubuntu OpenStack.

The founder of Canonical, Mark Shuttleworth, has described it as "a full autopilot for the private cloud". Shuttleworth explained that either with one or 10 racks with Metal-as-a-Service (MaaS), you can indicate your preferences of storage, software defined network (SDN) and hypervisor. Then, the system will automatically create a personal cloud and it will manage it and control it for you, keeping it completely secure and updated to the following version of OpenStack when appropriate.

The distribution of Canonical uses Canonical Landscape for the management of the system and Juju for DevOps. This version also supports multiple network, storage and computing components.



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