UDS Server, UDS Tunneler & RedIRIS

UDS Server, UDS Tunneler & RedIRIS

The series of articles that analyze each component of UDS Enterprise VDI connection broker and the meetings of RedIRIS Working Groups which took place at the beginning of this month at the University of Córdoba have been the most read topics in our blog for the last weeks.

Find below the links to the posts on these topics so that you can keep up to date with the most outstanding information abour Open Source and virtualization according to our followers:

200 experts participate in RedIRIS Working Groups

200 experts participate in RedIRIS Working Groups

About 200 IT experts are exchanging information and experiences in this edition of the RedIRIS Working Groups which is taking place at Córdoba University from last Thursday 31st May until today. IT and network experts and managers from the different universities and research centres in the RedIRIS network are participating in this meeting.

UC3M relies on UDS Enterprise, UDS Actor & XenServer 7

UC3M relies on UDS Enterprise, UDS Actor & XenServer 7

The experience of Carlos III University of Madrid with UDS Enterprise to deploy and manage virtual desktops for students, teachers and administrative staff, the functionalities and benefits regarding simplicity, security and management provided by UDS Actor and the new features introduced in XenServer new release have been the most visited topics in our blog for the last weeks.

Find below the links to our most read posts so that you can easily keep up to date with the most highlighted information regarding Open Source and virtualization according to our followers:

Over 6.000 schools will enjoy high-speed broadband

Over 6.000 schools will enjoy high-speed broadband

Over 2 million students from around 6.500 educational centers in Spain will have access to high-speed broadband in 2017. And there could be many more.

So far, the students that will enjoy the advantages of this technology belong to the following autonomous regions: La Rioja, Murcia, Andalucía, Asturias, Castilla La Mancha, Galicia and Canarias. This governments have already signed accession agreements with the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports and the public company Red.es., promoters of this project.

Universities drive free software adoption

Universities drive free software adoption

The Universities and Free Software Ranking (RuSL for the Spanish spelling) has published the fifth edition of its annual report.

The 2016 report shows a constant commitment of academic institutions to Free Software development and support. There is a growing number of universities really interested in supporting and spreading the use of free technologies. The use of Open Source tools and collaboration in free software porjects has also grown this year.

UDS Enterprise & Moodle: Learning 3.0

UDS Enterprise & Moodle: Learning 3.0

The UDS Enterprise team has bet on the software integration with Moodle to provide best teaching and learning experience to both teachers and students in any educational institution.

With more than 79 million users, Moodle is the most used learning platform in the world, that provides educators, administrators and learners with a single robust, secure and integrated system to create personalised learning environments.

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