4 EU countries moved to Free Software in 2016

4 EU countries moved to Free Software in 2016

In the public sector tends to take longer to adopt the new technological trends and the same happens when it comes to Free Software. Many government organizations are aware of the benefits of using Open Source but find it hard to change the way they work. However, during this year 2016 some countries have dared to make the leap:

UAM VDI, Computer Port IT, UDS Enterprise & OpenNebula

UAM VDI, Computer Port IT, UDS Enterprise & OpenNebula

The success story of the Autonomous University of Madrid that deploys around 1.000 virtual desktops per month with UDS Enterprise, the distinction of our partner Computer Port IT Solutions as one of the fastest growing IT companies in the storage field in India, as well as the advantages of desktop virtualization with UDS Enterprise and OpenNebula, have been the most outstanding news that hook the attention of our followers in the last two weeks.

What is new with Docker for AWS public Beta

What is new with Docker for AWS public Beta

Yesterday, Docker announced that Docker for AWS is graduating to public beta. Docker for AWS is a great way for ops to setup and maintain secure and scalable Docker deployments on AWS. With Docker for AWS, IT ops teams can deploy a standard Docker platform, integrate deeply with underlying infrastructure to ensure Docker takes advantage of the host environment’s native capabilities and exposes a familiar interface to administrators, deploy the platform to all the places where you want to run Dockerized vApp and make sure the latest and greatest Docker versions are available for the hardware, OSs, and infrastructure you love.

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