Analysis: the new VMware Hyper-Converged solutions

Analysis: the new VMware Hyper-Converged solutions

The UDS Enterprise team analyses in this post the new hyper-converged infrastructures that VMware presented at VMworld 2014, which took place at San Francisco:

With its EVO family, VMware makes a new incursion in the cloud with a solution that scales the resources available for a cloud infrastructure through modules which contain all the resources available (CPU, memory, storage, network…) integrating quickly and efficiently to the management and administration cloud tools, both public and private.

Linux certifications, Open Source VDI and social media channels

Linux certifications, Open Source VDI and social media channels

Our blog’s readers have chosen the new Linux Certification Program, 100% Open Source virtual desktops and UDS Enterprise social media channels as the most interesting posts for the last weeks.

If you dind’t have the chance to read them, find below the link to each article so that you can keep up with the most outstanding news according to our own followers:

New Linux Certification Program

100% Open Source virtual desktops

UDS Enterprise launches social media profiles

Canonical launches Ubuntu Developers Tool Center

Canonical launches Ubuntu Developers Tool Center

Canonical makes things easier for developers launching Ubuntu Developers Tool Center. This project aims at providing the community with the most requested programming and developing tools. And its goal is really ambitious: they want that Ubuntu becomes the best platform for developers.

For the moment, developers can download the latest Android Studio version together with Android SDK, and afterwards all the tools for web developers, Dart language or Go will be available too.

VMworld 2014 highlights

VMworld 2014 highlights

The global conference for virtualization and cloud computing hosted by VMware took place last week in San Francisco.

At VMworld 2014 the company revealed the most important announcements in its portfolio, such as a new hyper-converged infrastructure (EVO:RAIL), VMware Workspace Suite, its own OpenStack distribution or Virtual SAN 2.0. Beta.

In addition, the firm notified the change in the name and improvements in some of its products.

By clicking the link below you can watch VMworld 2014 keynotes and get to know all the event details:

VMworld 2014 US: It’s a Wrap!

Bluetooth stickers to track your stuff

Bluetooth stickers to track your stuff

Estimote has launched new stickers with accelerometer and temperature sensors that can be connected via bluetooh to mobile devices. They are the next step of the so called “beacons”, the gadgets that provide connectivity to almost any object.

The utility of this new product depends on where it is placed. For example, they can be used to avoid thefts in shops if they are placed in consumer goods or they can be used to monitor a pet if they are placed in its collar.

New Linux Certification Program

New Linux Certification Program

The Linux Foundation has launched today a new Certification Program for all levels. These new exams and designations for Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator (LFCS) and Linux Foundation Certified Engineer (LFCE) will prove that users have the skills for a Linux job. They are avaliable online and you can take the exams anywhere and anytime. The only requirements are a web browser, microphone, and webcam.

If you would like to learn all the details, have a look at this article:

Linux Foundation Announces New Certification Program

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