Logical Volume Managers for Linux users

Logical Volume Managers for Linux users

A Logical Volume manager (LVM) for Linux enables to manage disk space in a very flexible way. It allows to add disk space to a logical volume and its filesystem while such filesystem is mounted and active. It provides the ability to collect multiple physical hard drives and partitions in a single volume group that can be divided into logical volumes.

UDS Enterprise 2.0 RC, Debian & trainings for partners

UDS Enterprise 2.0 RC, Debian & trainings for partners

The general availability of UDS Enterprise 2.0 Release Candidate, the fixing of a vulnerability detected in Debianand the new trainings for partners desingned by the UDS Enterprise were the most outstanding topics in our blog during the first fortnight of September.

Find below the links to the posts on these subjects so that you can keep up to date with the most important news on Open Source and virtualization according to our followers:

UDS Enterprise enables the deployment of server OS

UDS Enterprise enables the deployment of server OS

VDI connection broker UDS Enterprise can use Windows and Linux server operating systems as templates (gold images) to deploy virtual desktops. Server desktops are deployed in the same way as traditional virtual desktops.

Thanks to the way UDS Actor has been developed and its versatility, it can set the configurations defined by an administrator to the server virtual desktops as if they were traditional virtual desktops.

Microsoft announces Azure Service Fabric for Linux

Microsoft announces Azure Service Fabric for Linux

Microsoft has announced that the preview of Azure Service Fabric for Linux will be available on September 26, during the Microsoft Ignite Conference that will be held in Atlanta (EEUU). This announcement means that Service Fabric clusters in Azure can be provisioned using Linux as host operating system and deploy Java applications in Service Fabric clusters. Initially, Service Fabric for Linux will be available for Ubuntu and it will also support RHEL soon.

Italian military moves to Open Source

Italian military moves to Open Source

The italian military is going to be the european administration to make the largest transition to Open Source software. During the next four years, more than 100.000 PCs will migrate to LibreOffice as part of LibreDifesa project, which will save 26 to 29 millon euros to italian administration.

The main reasons for the military to perform this move are interoperability and long-term accesibility of documents and information. The army of this country is standardising on the Open Document Format (ODF) and is advising its users to use free fonts.

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