UDS Enterprise, Hyper-V, vSphere & Remote PC

UDS Enterprise, Hyper-V, vSphere & Remote PC

The deployment of virtual desktops with UDS Enterprise & Microsoft Hyper-V, interesting tips to manage VMware vSphere and Remote PC project with UDS Enterprise introduced by the University of Sevilla at RedIRIS Technical Conference 2015 have been the most read topics in our blog during last weeks.

Find below the links to these posts so that you can keep up to date with the most highlighted news on virtualization and Open Source:

Video: UDS Enterprise & Microsoft Hyper-V VDI

How to manage vSphere efficiently

24×7 workplace by UDS Enterprise: How it works

Active Directory tools for backup & restore

Active Directory tools for backup & restore

Active Directory (AD) is one of the most used features in Windows Server. It enables administrators to manage devices and users implementing and reinforcing security policies. It also provides a centralized and hierarchical directory to manage all network resources.

In this post we’re talking about tools and best practices to ease restore & backup processes in AD.

Tips to manage Hyper-V

Tips to manage Hyper-V

Are you a Hyper-V user? Don’t miss these useful tips by Virtualization Review:

-Use PowerShell to create a list of all your virtual machines(VM) including name and IP address without logging or going to networking tab.

-Enable router guard and DHCP guard options to avoid unauthorized networking accesses. You can do it using VM libraries, PowerShell or Set-VMNetworkAdapter cmdlet.

Windows Server 2012 R2 authentication policies

Windows Server 2012 R2 authentication policies

The growth and improper use of domain administrator accounts is one of the major security threats to systems in Windows Active Directory (AD) domains.

In order to avoid potential issues arising from these troubles, here’s an article about restricting the use of domain admin accounts to domain controllers in Windows Server 2012 R2 domains by enabling support for additional Kerberos features.

The author also explains how to create a new authentication policy and silo. You can have a look at the tutorial here

Hypervisors, oVirt & connection protocols

Hypervisors, oVirt & connection protocols

According to our followers, the most interesting topics added to our blog during last weeks are: the main differences among three of the most popular hypervisors (Hyper-V, ESXi & XenServer); UDS Enterprise & oVirt integration and the possibility of using any connection protocol with UDS Enterprise.

Find below the link to the top 3 articles in our blog in case you missed them:

Hyper-V, ESXi & XenServer comparison

ZDNet highlights UDS Enterprise & oVirt integration

UDS Enterprise supports any connection protocol

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