New guide: OpenGnsys and UDS Enterprise integration

New guide: OpenGnsys and UDS Enterprise integration

The UDS Enterprise team has published a new manual to guide all those interested in integrating our desktop and application virtualization broker with OpenGnsys, an Open Source physical equipment orchestrator.

The union of these two solutions allows make the most of the computers, enabling remote access to them during certain hours, for example during the hours that a company or educational organization remains closed to the public.

Thanks to UDS Enterprise, management and access control are performed centrally from a web browser. The system guarantees secure access from any location through any device with internet access. OpenGnsys helps to achieve important energy savings, since it allows to program the automatic switching on and off of the computers. Both solutions help IT professionals make fast and automated deployments of VDI environments.

Fedora 31 officially released

Fedora 31 officially released

Fedora 31 is now available for download. One of its most outstanding new features is Fedora Toolbox, a simple tool to start and manage personal workspace containers, which allows developments in an isolated environment. According to Matthew Miller, the project leader, this containerized workflow “is vital for users of the ostree-based Fedora variants such as CoreOS, IoT and Silverblue“, although it is also useful in any workstation or server system.

KDE Plasma 5.17 anticipates your needs

KDE Plasma 5.17 anticipates your needs

The KDE team has released a new version of its popular desktop environment, which has the ability to anticipate user needs. They mean that, for example, the system detects when there is low light and the brightness and color is diminished so that the eyes don’t get so tired. It also knows how to recognize when a presentation is being made, so that messages are not displayed on the screen while the slides are being shown.

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