UDS Enterprise 2.0 new features & oVirt 4.0

UDS Enterprise 2.0 new features & oVirt 4.0

Some of UDS Enterprise 2.0 new features have raised the interest of the readers of our blog during last two weeks. In fact, two of the three most read posts deal with new functionalities of the new version of our software: scheduling and automating tasks and grouping services. The last of our most outstanding articles in the first fortnight of October is a tutorial on creating virtual machines in oVirt 4.0.

Just in case you didn’t have the chance to read them, find below the links to these posts so you can keep up to date with the most interesting news about virtualization and Open Source according to our followers:

Grouping services in UDS Enterprise 2.0

One of many UDS Enterprise 2.0 innovations is the new grouping services mode for desktops, applications and any other remote desktop service. This new feature has been particularly developed to improve user experience, since it allows to organize the available services in groups, so that they can be distributed in an orderly and easy way, so that users find the virtual desktop or application they want to use quickly and intuitively.

How to schedule and automate tasks in UDS Enterprise 2.0

How to schedule and automate tasks in UDS Enterprise 2.0

A few days ago we explained in our blog how to setup the new system access through calendars, which has been incorporated to UDS Enterprise 2.0. This new functionality, appart from enabling or restricting user access to services, virtual desktops and applications by dates and slots, allows administrators to schedule and automate certain tasks on a Service Pool.

This new feature facilitates important and regular actions like:

Configuring access calendars in UDS Enterprise 2.0

Configuring access calendars in UDS Enterprise 2.0

UDS Enterprise incorporates a system access through calendars, which enables or restricts user access to services, virtual desktops and applications by dates and slots.

The platform administator can setup calendars to best fit the organization’s needs. These calendars will be used in the “Services Pool” to enable or deny access to virtual desktops or applications.

UDS Enterprise 2.0, server OS & OpenNebula VDI

UDS Enterprise 2.0, server OS & OpenNebula VDI

The release of a new version of our software, the possibility to deploy server operating systems with UDS Enterprise and the alliance between OpenNebula and VirtualCable to deliver a next generation VDI solution have been the most read topics in our blog during the last two weeks.

If you’d like to keep up to date with the most outstanding information on virtualization and Open Source according to UDS Enterprise community, find below the links to the posts on these topics:

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