Video: UDS Enterprise & VMware vSphere VDI

Video: UDS Enterprise & VMware vSphere VDI

VMware vSphere is one of the compatible hypervisors with UDS Enterprise for VDI, applications and other Windows & Linux services deployment and management.

UDS Enterprise is certifed as VMware Ready which ensures the best performance with vSphere using multiple authentication systems and connection protocols.

In addition, our software is one of the solutions listed in VMware Solution Exchange

UDS Enterprise, Hyper-V, vSphere & Remote PC

UDS Enterprise, Hyper-V, vSphere & Remote PC

The deployment of virtual desktops with UDS Enterprise & Microsoft Hyper-V, interesting tips to manage VMware vSphere and Remote PC project with UDS Enterprise introduced by the University of Sevilla at RedIRIS Technical Conference 2015 have been the most read topics in our blog during last weeks.

Find below the links to these posts so that you can keep up to date with the most highlighted news on virtualization and Open Source:

Video: UDS Enterprise & Microsoft Hyper-V VDI

How to manage vSphere efficiently

24×7 workplace by UDS Enterprise: How it works

How to manage vSphere efficiently

How to manage vSphere efficiently

If you are an IT administrator and you manage VMware vSphere virtualization platform, have a look at these useful tips:

-Don’t use Raw Device Mappings (RDMs). Try VMware Virtual Volumes instead, which is far less complex and more useful.

-See VMFS volumes and make sure they are upgraded.

-Use vSphere tags and categories. They help you organize virtual machines (VMs) in a customized way, considering elements not related to infrastructure. You can arrange them, for example, by production, development, off-site DR…

UDS Enterprise, oVirt & VMware Ready

UDS Enterprise, oVirt & VMware Ready

oVirt and VMware have been the focus of our blog during last two weeks. The most read articles are related to UDS Enterprise integration with oVirt and VMware vSphere.

In case you haven’t yet had the opportunity to read these posts, below you can find the links so that you can keep up to date with the most outstanding virtualization and Open Source news according to our followers:

Video: UDS Enterprise & oVirt VDI

UDS Enterprise achieves VMware Ready status

UDS Enterprise fully integrates with oVirt 3.6

UDS Enterprise achieves VMware Ready status

UDS Enterprise achieves VMware Ready status

VirtualCable, the company that packs up UDS Enterprise, a VDI multiplatform connection broker for Windows and Linux, today announced that its UDS Enterprise has achieved VMware Ready™ status. This designation indicates that UDS Enterprise has undergone detailed test procedures and is supported on VMware vSphere® 5.X for production environments.

UDS and Moodle, XenServer & VMware TAP

UDS and Moodle, XenServer & VMware TAP

UDS Enterprise and Moodle integration developed by Malaga University and VirtualCable, the video showing virtual desktops deployment with UDS Enterprise and Citrix XenServer and VirtualCable joining VMware Technology Alliance Program (TAP) have been the most read posts in our blog during the last two weeks.

Find below the links to the articles on these topics so you keep up with the most interesting news according to our followers:

UDS Enterprise & Moodle help the learning community

Video: UDS Enterprise & Citrix XenServer VDI

VirtualCable joins VMware TAP Program

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