Course on Supercomputing and Computer Architecture

by | May 29, 2019

ETIQUETAS: Education | Hot news

Supercomputers are computers with a large capacity for data processing and calculation that are usually used for scientific research. The study of the universe, the evolution of climate or the cure of diseases such as cancer are some of the fields in which the calculation of large volumes of data made by supercomputers plays a key role.

With the aim of making known how these high performance computing systems (HPC) work both at hardware and software level, The Security Sentinel has created a Course on Supercomputing and Computer Architecture.

Students will learn all the ins and outs of data centers and supercomputers, starting with the most basic concepts: history, parts of supercomputers, foundations of parallel computing… When they finish the course they will be able to install the operating system running in these machines, set up different configurations, build clusters using projects such as MOSIX, PVM, MPI…

This course lasts 30 hours and consists of theoretical and practical parts. After each thematic block, practical exams will be carried out to reinforce the acquired knowledge in a creative way. The teacher and tutor will always be available to answer questions and guide students in everything they need.

It is aimed at those who are planning or already work as data center administrators or managing servers of companies of any size. It is a perfect complement to the the GNU Linux Certification course.

This Computer Supercomputing and Architecture Course officially begins next Tuesday, June 4th. More information and inscriptions on the The Security Sentinel website.



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