Detecting vulnerabilities with Open Source tools

by | Jan 28, 2016

New vulnerabilities emerge every day, threatening enterprise information security. In order to avoid data and devices getting infected, it is important to find them out early so they can be fixed as soon as possible.

There are Open Source tools which can help to identify vulnerabilities, such as web servers and applications scanners, analysis tools, fuzzers... Below you can find a useful selection:

OpenVAS: This scanner is daily updated with new vulnerability tests.

Nexpose Community: It makes more than 163.000 network checks. It doesn’t include web application scanner but it is automatically updated.

Metasploit Framework: It validates vulnerabilities found by Nexpose and identifies the more dangerous ones in order to fix them first.

Retina CS Community: It simplifies and centralized vulnerability management and patching. It includes automated vulnerability assessment for servers, workstations, mobile devices, applications…

Burp Suite Free Edition: It provides all the tools to perform full security analysis for web applications.

Nikto: It performs tests against web servers to check files and programs. It also looks for outdated versions or versions with specific problems.

OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP): Integrated tool to find vulnerabilities affecting web applications.

Clair: Service specialized in container analysis.

Moloch: It storages and indexes and network traffic in PCAP standard format, providing quick access.

Powerfuzzer: Automatic and customizable web fuzzer that identifies cross site scripting (XSS); injections (SQL, LDAP, code, commands, CRLF and XPATH); and HTTP 500 statuses.

More info about these tools at eSecurity Planet.



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