Find out who are the mentors for Google Summer of Code

by | Feb 26, 2020

Google has announced the names of the Open Source organizations and projects that will put their knowledge and experience at the service of the participants of their program Google Summer of Code (GSoC).

This year nothing less than 200 Open Source projects have been selected. 30 of them will make their debut as mentors in this year’s edition. The program has chosen organizations and projects such as Arduino, Academy Software Foundation, Gnome, KDE Community, openSUSE Project or Python Software Foundation, among many others.

From Google they encourage those interested in apply to be students to start now sharing their ideas and projects with the organizations that have been designated as mentors.

The search engine company has been organizing this interesting initiative for 16 years, whose main objective is to spread and promote the development of Open Source software among students from all over the world.

The organizations will select the participants whose profile best suits their philosophy and needs so that they contribute mainly to the development of their project for 3 months. The work will be paid as long as the student’s evaluation is positive.

All those interested in participating in the Google Summer of Code 2020 should submit their application from March 16 to 31.

See GSoC website for full details.



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