GitHub Sponsors: financial support to developers

by | May 24, 2019

ETIQUETAS: Hot news | Open source

Developers from all over the world who have their Open Source projects on GitHub now have the opportunity to collect financial support from users or organizations that want to support their developments. For this purpose GitHub has launched “Sponsors”, a tool that allows you to make payments directly to the developers.

To apply for these sponsorships, users just have to add the “Sponsor me” button to the GitHub repository where the project is hosted. The funding model can be indicated, specifying if that’s individual contributions or made through Patreon, Tidellif, Ko-fi or, for example, Open Collective. And benefits may also be established according to the type of sponsorship chosen by the contributor.

During the first year, GitHub will contribute up to $ 5,000 and the first two years will not be charged any commission for processing payments.

It should be noted that the developers are not the only ones who can to use this new tool. It is be available to all those who collaborate with Open Source projects in any way, either writing documentation, providing leadership or mentoring new developers… The only requirement is to have a GitHub profile.

The announcement of Sponsors was made during the event GitHub Satellite held yesterday in Berlin. Other new features were announced, such as new functionalities for improving security, audits and the acquisition of Dependabot.

Source: TechCrunch



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