The ease of integration, installation, use and access to virtual desktops are another of the benefits that OpenNebula incorporates with UDS Enterprise.
For more details about the advantages of UDS Enterprise integration with OpenNebula, check our blog article.
The integration of OpenNebula with UDS Enterprise is simple and can be summarized in the following steps:
Access your account in MyUDS and download UDS Enterprise Appliances compatible with OpenNebula.
Unzip the files.
Import the unzipped files from the OpenNebula interface.
Provide the installation wizard with the name of the new machine and location of the UDS image.
Create Template with the recommended hardware configuration.
Check that the created image has the status “Ready”.
Select a network interface.
Select input and output devices.
Create instances of the created template and verify that it appears with the status “Running”.
Open VNC console and start configuring the UDS MV.
Check this manual for a details and screenshots of the deployment of UDS Enterprise VDI with OpenNebula.