It´s time to deploy non-persistent desktops

by | Jun 22, 2015

ETIQUETAS: Hot news | Tips | VDI-en

One of the arguments of the companies so far for not to deploy non-persistent desktops has been that the workers unwelcomed them, since they wanted to use on their computers the programs and applications that they considered appropriate.

Now that all employees have mobile devices and use in that private devices the applications they want, they don't care so much what can be installed or not on their corporate computers.

So now is definitely a good time to use this type of desktops, whether virtual or physical, and thus enjoy the advantages for the companies and IT departments, as the lower cost of support, greater security and simpler patches or software update installation.

The expert Brian Madden examines the benefits and advantages of this type of desktops in this article.



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