KVM hypervisor management tools: OpenStack

by | Dec 12, 2014

In previous publications we talked about oVirt and Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization, and today we finish our series of articles about KVM hypervisor management tools talking about OpenStack thanks, once again, to this interesting article by vMiss.net.

If we throw a glance at the matrix support of OpenStack hypervisor, we can see that the only set of drivers tested in Group A is libvirt with KVM, which means that these drivers have been deeply tested and are fully supported. Bearing in mind the warm welcome to OpenStack by the Open Source community, this fact is not surprising at all.

In fact, KVM is configured as the default hypervisor for using Nova. Using a hypervisor is essential for any OpenStack deployment and vendors are starting to be aware of this. Actually, VMware announced a beta version of its OpenStack distribution called OpenStack integrated VMware (VIO) this year at VMworld.

KVM is one of the most active Open Source projects today and its popularity is growing. So now it is the moment to try it and see how it works within our infrastructure, because while OpenStack gains followers and its optimal compatibility with KVM is revealed, we will see how the number of KVM infrastructures in the data centers will increase.

To be up to date about KVM, stay tuned to our blog, since we will continue discussing about this hypervisor. We will soon talk about the deployment of virtual desktops with KVM.



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