Linux Bash for Windows users! Is it possible?

by | Jan 19, 2017

Microsoft Windows Subsystem for Linux is evolving into a credible alternative to running Linux inside Windows on VMs. A massive set of changes to the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) was rolled into Windows Insider build 15002, which, according to, started shipping to Windows 10 users on January 9, 2017.

The most recent version of WSL, called Bash in Windows, rolls up many specific fixes for Bash (a popular Linux command-line interface) to provide “even more compatibility, performance and stability of your favorite Linux tools and technologies.”

Speculation has swirled for many years that Microsoft might one day produce its own Linux distribution or purchase one and rebrand it, building in links to Microsoft proprietary software. But with WSL, Microsoft seems to be germinating Linux support from within Windows itself.

Building WSL is potentially a rockier road than a Microsoft-branded Linux, but the payoff could be larger. WSL gives users the ability to be comfortable in the Linux command line, the Windows desktop, and PowerShell all at the same time. And it provides Microsoft with yet another way to capture and keep users on Windows, no matter the workload.

Source: Make tech easier



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