LliureX 19: a Linux distro for educational centers

by | Sep 23, 2019

LliureX is a Linux distribution promoted and developed by the Generalitat Valenciana for its implementation in both public and private educational centers and organizations. It includes an operating system and the latest versions of more than 450 applications and resources.

This past summer they have launched a new version “adapted to the latest generation of uses and technologies, taking into account the multiple devices that are currently being used, the constant presence of the mobile and the fact that computational thinking begins to be very present in the classrooms, due to the expansion of artificial intelligence and big data,” explained José Manuel García Duarte, General Manager of Information and Communications Technologies.

LliureX 19 offers a completely renewed image and improvements in the center and classroom model, so that it can be used in all areas of educational centers, not only in computer classrooms. The stability and security of the system have been improved and now the centers can limit the use of disk space according to the user profile.

As for the desktop and the application menus, they are specially designed to be used in classrooms with students from 3 years. Now Lliure can be used with mobile phones and new categories have been included, such as laboratory or computational thinking. A new application has also been developed to solve the most common incidents: First Aid Kit.

This distribution is installed in more than 120,000 devices of the Valencian education system and downloads have been made from countries in Central and South America and the United States, among others. It has become a reference among Open Source based educational distributions and has great support from the international Free Software community.

“The success of LliureX is based on multiple factors. For example, it has a community of users and a forum which is directly managed by the developers themselves, where you can request new features and solve problems. It has proven to be a valid and completely reliable project to bring open source solutions and their benefits to the classroom: share, collaborate and improve, “said Duarte.

Last June, during the OpenExpo Europe event, the project received the Open Award 2019, which rewards the contribution to open technological innovation in Education.

LliureX 19 can be downloaded for free from the project website.

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