Louisiana saves lives thanks to Open Source

by | Mar 1, 2016

ETIQUETAS: Hot news | Open source

Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH) is working with an Open Source project to evacuate citizens in case of dangerous storms or hurricanes.

With support from Boundless, they are deploying GeoSHAPE, a software designed for humanitarian assistance which helps identifying hospitals and other sanitary services at risk for flooding and damage from storms and hurricanes.

The main goal of this initiative is to start evacuation of patients as soon as possible to mitigate potential risks.

GeoSHAPE is an Open Source project which allows to share geospatial information and in this case it enables federal and state authorities collaboration to overlay storm and flooding data over facility map information.

Selecting an Open Source solution, Louisiana Government can provide vital services while saving money in license and ongoing maintenance costs. This is another example on how Open Source brings about benefits to Governments all over the world.

Further info: Boundless PR



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