Microsoft announces its first Linux-based OS

by | Apr 17, 2018

Microsoft continues to take steps to get closer to Linux supporters. The latest surprise was the announcement of Azure Sphere, an operating system , based on Linux, whose objective is to improve the security of the Internet of Things.

“After 43 years, this is the first day we announced and will distribute a custom Linux kernel,” said Brad Smith, president of Microsoft during the presentation. In fact, this OS is a set of software and hardware which intend to secure small processors of all types of connected devices, such as smart appliances, toys …

In relation to hardware, there has been developed a new design for more powerful microprocessors that Microsoft will provide to chip manufacturers completely free of charge so they can implement it in their new products. The Azure Sphere OS has been specially developed to work on these chips.

The chip and the OS are integrated into the Azure Sphere security service in the cloud, the module in charge of keeping the devices that have security patches updated for at least ten years.

Source: Xataka



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