More than 1 million downloads of LibreOffice 6.0

by | Feb 20, 2018

ETIQUETAS: Hot news | Open source

It has not been a month since The Document Foundation launched LibreOffice 6.0 and it has already exceeded one million downloads. This milestone reflects the growing use of Free Software and Open Source, which is gaining acceptance against proprietary software.

The new version of the free and multiplatform office suite incorporates improvements in the design, new styles of tables, icons, floating bars, and has already received the first maintenance update that brings improvements to security and performance of the application on all platforms.

The constant updates that LibreOffice receives are one of its strengths. Thanks to its Open Source nature, the development is open to new ideas, and its large community of users test the software and report any incidents, or even develop patches and improvements.

LibreOffice is compatible with Windows, Linux, and Mac OS, and it has been winning, little by little, the ground to which it has been the quintessential office suite: Microsoft Office.

Source: LinuxAdictos



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