New Partner Program & @asLAN Awards

by | Mar 2, 2020

ETIQUETAS: Hot news | vApp-en | VDI-en

During the month of February, the Top 3 most read articles in our blog focus on 2 unique topics: the new VirtualCable Partner Program and the @asLAN Awards for Digital Transformation Projects in the Public Administration.

In the first position is the post in which we explain in detail the revamped Partner Program for companies who are official distributors of the UDS Enterprise connection broker for desktop and application virtualization.

Secondly, we find the publication announcing that the Virtual Desktop for Special Education (EVITA) developed by the University of Murcia (UMU) is eligible for one of the asLAN Awards in the category “Bridging the digital divide and sustainability”. UDS Enterprise is the cornerstone of this project, the software that is responsible for managing, deploying and providing access to virtual desktops adapted for people with disabilities or learning difficulties.

Finally, closing the list of the three articles that have added the most visits, we find the news that made known the nomination of two projects with UDS Enterprise to the same awards mentioned above: the @asLAN Awards 2020 . In addition to EVITA, our application virtualization project in the Badajoz Provincial Council was also one of the nominees in this event and, in the same way as the UMU initiative, is in the final, in this case in the category “Optimization and simplification of digital infrastructures“.

Here are the links to these articles, in case you have not yet had the opportunity to read them:

New Partner Program: focus on training and personalized support

The EVITA project with UDS, finalist in the @asLAN Awards

2 VDI and vApp projects with UDS, nominated for the @asLAN Awards

We’d also like to remind you that you can vote on the two finalist projects in the @asLAN Awards with our VDI broker at this link.



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