New version of the Open Source software GnuCash

by | Apr 6, 2018

ETIQUETAS: Hot news | Open source

GnuCash is a multi-platform Open Source software for finances management, compatible with Linux, Windows and Mac OSX. The project heads have just launched the third version of the software. This version incorporates the WebKit2Gtk API, new editors to remove data from import maps and a new user interface that facilitates the management of files associated with transactions.

Among the rest of the novelties, there have been added: a new way of eliminating figures from the database of prices, the possibility of deleting files deleted from the history and a new importer of CSV that allows to re-import files that they have already been exported with GnuCash.

In addition, this version has new reconciliation reports based on transaction reports, GST revenue reports and cash bar reports.

For more information and downloads, access the official website of the software.



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