Open Source alternative to CCleaner

by | Mar 7, 2018

Bleachbit System Cleaner is an Open Source free and multiplatform tool capable of shading the popular CCleaner, whose main goal is to optimize the performance of the devices. Its main advantage is that it is not only compatible with Windows, it can also be used with macOS and with the following Linux distributions: Ubuntu, CentOS, Fedora, Linux Mint and all distros based on Debian.

The most outstanding feature of this program is the option to remove all temporary files that are stored on the devices, thus recovering space and improving performance.

It allows a deep cleaning of web browsers, deleting elements of the cache, such as history, cookies, temporary files and the database.It also gets rid of the locations that are not being used, the Thumbs.db and . DS_Store files and deletes the Linux swap files and the broken links.

The program is easy to install and use and can be downloaded from its official website.

Source: Redes Zone.


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