The latest Open Source trends at OpenExpo Virtual Experience

by | Jun 4, 2020

ETIQUETAS: Hot news | Open source

The OpenExpo Europe team has organized an online event that will take place from June 17 to 21: OpenExpo Virtual Experience. The latest trends in open technologies related to topics such as Cybersecurity, IoT, Blockchain, IA, Big Data, Machine Learning, Fintech, Smart Cities, Cloud... will be analyzed.

Experts in innovation and technology will explain the latest solutions, applications, methodologies… they will present interesting success stories and share their knowledge about how to get the most out of Open Source tools.

More than 4,500 attendees will participate in the more than 50 activities scheduled during the four days of the event. Among them are international representatives of companies and institutions, suppliers, users, experts, developers… from all kinds of industries.

All of them will have the opportunity to learn how to improve their business processes and innovation programs to increase the quality of their services and streamline their processes. In short, they will receive information and advice that will help them increase the competitiveness of their business in the digital world.

OpenExpo Virtual Experience also offers the possibility of virtual networking, putting companies and professionals in contact so that they can share ideas or lay the foundations for future collaborations.

For more information and registration, see the event website.



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