OpenGnsys, UDS and Nutanix & new VDI functionalities

by | Mar 4, 2019

As usual, here’s our monthly summary of the most read posts in our blog. First of all, we find tan article on the compatibility of UDS Enterprise and OpenGnsys, which allows to enable remote access to physical devices from anywhere and using any device.

Then, the post that talks about the presentation of the implementation of VDI at the Public University of Navarra (UPNA) with the UDS Enterprise connection broker and Nutanix. And third, the tutorial that explains how to configure one of the new features added to the latest release of UDS Enterprise: the mass allocation of user groups and transports to service pools.

If you’d like to learn more about the most important topics of the month according to our followers, find below the links to the full articles:

VirtualCable relies on OpenGnsys to provide access to remote PCs

VDI in UPNA with UDS Enterprise + Nutanix at EventByte Meetup

Mass allocation of user groups and transports to service pools



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