OpenStack & Open Source configuration management tools

by | Nov 28, 2016

To manage an OpenStack cloud infrastructure, you need to manage the configuration of the individual cloud services and the orchestration between them. There are some Open Source tools that can help you with these tasks, and there are many ways to evaluate them. Some considerations include the language used or perhaps availability of a UI.

Open Source automation tools have modules to manage OpenStack and free up time for other tasks. Puppet is used in Red Hat OpenStack Platform Director, Chef is used by SUSE, Ansible is used by HPE Helion and Juju has its own configuration engine and collection of Charms to deploy and manage OpenStack.

Ansible:Ansible simplifies the build of consistent environments without agents, daemons, or extra packages. Developers build playbooks which target the cloud infrastructure.

Chef is a client-server based orchestration management “infrastructure as code” for deploying applications, version control and configuration files.

Juju Charms:
Juju is an application and service modelling tool that enables you to model, configure, deploy and manage applications and pre-configured services and OpenStack. Charms are sets of scripts for deploying and managing services.

Puppet is a Declarative Language for “write once deploy many” packages for on-demand Openstack configuration and version control.




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