Pay what you want for CryEngine V

by | Mar 17, 2016


Crytek has introduced CryEngine V during GDC, the Game Developers Conference which is being held this week in San Francisco. The graphic engine behind very popular gaming titles, such as Crysis or Ryse: Son of Rome has been updated featuring an important innovation: a new business model.

The company has announced a Pay What You Want model, so each developer will decide the amount he'd like to pay to access the engine’s feature-set and full engine source code, with no obligation to pay anything.

Those developers who decide to make a contribution will be able to allocate up to 70% to a new Indie Development Fund for projects all over the world supported by Crytek.

The latest CryEngine version also introduces a new marketplace, that will enable developers to access assets from Crytek’s library, thousands of sounds, 3D objects and ther materials developed by the community or by trusted vendors.

Learn all new features reading the official announcement



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