Praim & UDS Enterprise, Wake on LAN and news in remotePC project

by | Jun 3, 2021

The integration of the UDS Client into the Praim Agile software is generating significant interest among our community. The possibility of accessing virtual desktops, applications, and computers available for remote use through Praim devices, or reconditioned computers with their management software installed, has been very well-received by the market. That is why it is not surprising that the most read article on our blog in May was the announcement of the technology alliance to develop this integration and create constantly updated turnkey VDI solutions.

The other two posts that have achieved second and third position this month deal with the same topic: remote access to physical devices. On the one hand, in the second position, the publication reveals a new functionality of UDS Enterprise . The natively incorporation of Wake on LAN technology allows you to automatically turn on physical equipment remotely, whatever their operating system.

The ranking of the Top 3 most visited articles during the month of May is closed by the news that narrates the improvements incorporated in the remotePC project for remote access to devices with UDS Enterprise and OpenGnsys. These new features have been released with the new OpenGnsys 1.2.0 version. Among them, they stand out the possibility of configuring which computers cannot be used for remote access, choosing which computer you want to start up or configuring the classrooms with groups of computers.

For more information on any of these topics, below you will find the links to the full articles:

Praim integrates UDS Enterprise VDI software in its solutions

Wake on LAN with UDS Enterprise: Advanced settings

RemotePC project for remote access with UDS: Improvements



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