This project consists of allowing remote access to TIC classrooms outside the school hours from anywhere and using any device thanks to the functionality of UDS Enterprise and OpenGnsys.
Gómez Labrador explained during his speech that the University of Seville, for years, has been “using UDS Enterprise as a broker for access to virtual machines, and that is why we use this same software to show a remote session of a PC located in a university classroom.”
The only physical component needed to deploy this type of infrastructure is a computer with the new OpenGnsys agent installed, as well as an HTML5 enabled browser to access the UDS Enterprise broker, which communicates with an OpenGnsys server through the new Rest API.
The OpenGnsys server is responsible for sending and on-demand start and shutdown commands to the teams in the laboratories. In the section “Properties of the classroom” of OpenGnsys an Object Box has been enabled, this latter will have to be activated to make that classroom available for the remote access. In the case of images that manifest in the form of installed OS with a series of applications, access to those images that are enabled will be allowed.
Teams in these rooms will need to have the new OpenGnsys agent installed. The cloud orchestrator will start the enabled computers associated with images, enabled for the remote access, located in classrooms whenever it is requested within the configured schedule for that purpose.
For more information, you can see the presentation of Ramón Gómez Labrador in this video.