The promising future for KVM

by | Nov 25, 2015

KVM has made a place for itself among the industry's most outstanding hypervisors for Linux. Currently, this hipervisor is deployed in a wide variety of processor architectures; even in mobile devices.

In addition, KVM is an important element in Network Functions Virtualization (NFV), since it drives the networking software to hardware with high performance and low cost.

This virtualization platform also plays a main role in containers technologies, which nowadays are at its peak because they enable testing applications and operating systems in a secure environment identical to the production one, thus helping developers optimizing their work. KVM is used in this context with containers like Docker to strenghten security.

The Open Source development model, thanks to which it has evolved due to developments made by the community, is also bringing now new opportunities, because more and more companies are turning their back to propietary software.

UDS Enterprise, our multiplatform connection broker to amninister and deploy virtual and physical desktops, applications and other Windows and Linux services is 100% compatible with KVM. For further info email us at [email protected] or ask us in Twitter @UDSenterprise

Source: Open Virtualization Alliance



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