Last days to register for the XV Free Software University Contest

by | Mar 12, 2021

One more year, the popular Free Software University Contest has been called. Registrations for the XV edition of this contest will close on Sunday, March 21. University, high school, middle grade, higher grade, and third cycle or master students still have time to present their projects.

The goal of this contest is to promote the development of free software, hardware, and technical documentation. By endorsing these initiatives, they help to consolidate the Free Software community in the university environment.

The organization encourages opting for projects accessible to everyone, paying particular attention to certain user groups’ needs, such as children, the elderly, or those with some disability. The promotion of accessibility awareness in software is one of the lines they have been working on for years.

Students wishing to participate do not have to be experts on the subject. The contest is designed both to improve knowledge and to acquire it from scratch. Contestants will have at their disposal a blog where they can relate their experience with the project they have chosen. The idea is that they update it during the academic year and host the source code and/or documentation in a repository like GitHub, GitLab, or LaunchPad.

Universities and institutions linked to the Free Software community can also participate by creating local awards to encourage participation in their area.

The general awards are divided into five categories:

Best Scientific/Research project Award

Best Educational/Leisure project Award

Best Systems/Security project Award

Best Cloud/Web project Award

Those interested in participating can do so by filling out this form.

All information is available on the website



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