Registration for LIBRECON 2020 opens tomorrow

by | Oct 14, 2020

ETIQUETAS: Hot news | Open source

If you are a regular at LIBRECON, tomorrow, Thursday, October 15, you’ll be able to register for this event, which will be held on November 11. Due to the current health situation, this year has been organized in online format, so that the different sessions can be followed in streaming from anywhere.

This biannual meeting reaches its ninth edition this year, which, according to their blog, will be “more interactive, participatory and dynamic.” The latest trends in Open Source technologies applied to different sectors will be announced, with particular emphasis on the digital transformation of the public, educational, industrial and commercial sectors. And, as usual, there will also be time for the exchange of experiences and networking.

The main topics of the event are divided into four blocks:

  • OpenJob and Cybersecurity: Topics such as videoconferencing systems, teamwork, secure access to remote information assets and backup systems and RPD will be covered.

  • Open industry 4.0 & Education & e-Commerce: Experts will talk about IoT Industry 4.0, tele-education, content digitization, integration of the entire process, logistics in e-Commerce, marketing…

  • Open public sector: Different speakers will discuss issues such as digital transformation in public administration, digital signature, smart cities, technological sovereignty…

  • Others: This block will deal with the latest Open Source advances in machine learning, data visualization, open technologies applied to infrastructures, legal framework…

LIBRECON is organized by the Basque Country Association of Free Technology and Open Knowledge Companies (ESLE in Spanish) and the National Federation of Free Software Companies (ASOLIF in Spanish). And it is especially aimed at social entities, the training and academic sector, professional clusters, profiles such as CIO, CTO, CEO and the Open community in general.

More information and registration at the official website of the event.



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