Solus 1.1 released featuring interesting new features

by | Mar 3, 2016

Solus second release is already available for download. This Linux From Scratch based GNU/Linux minimalist distro features a lot of improvements, such as updates in its own desktop evironment, Budgie, fixing issues affecting icons, network and rendering. They have also dropped GDM for LightDM to get significant performance improvements.

Hardware optimizations have also been performed, updating Mesa, Xorg and Intel's driver for X11 to extend support to Broadwell and Skylake.

Libre Nouveau driver has also been updated in order to keep GPU NVIDIA working properly without the company’s privative blob. Efforts have also been made to improve security, updating *OpenSSL to fix important issues in the encryption library.

This operating system allows to setup, configure and use printers and other HP devices thanks to the incorporation of HPLIP.

Among other improvements, the latest versions of applications like Firefox, Thunderbird and VLC are now available in Solus.

If you’d like to know more about Solus 1.1, have a look at the press release



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