by UDS Enterprise Team | Apr 16, 2015 | Cisco-en, Cloud-en, Hot news, Java-en, Microsoft-en, Open source, VDI-en
The recent news about Java in UDS Enterprise, the possibility of Windows Open Source and Cisco Connect 2015 Conference have been the most outstanding topics in our blog for the last two weeks.
Find below the links to the most interesting news according to our followers:
UDS Enterprise doesn’t need Java installed
Microsoft may release Windows as Open Source
Cisco Connect 2015: the new FastIT model
by UDS Enterprise Team | Apr 13, 2015 | Cisco-en, Cloud-en, Hot news
Cisco celebrates its annual event Cisco Connect the next 7th May in Kinepolis (Madrid). Under the title “The Digital Transformation”, they will discuss about the present and the future of the latest technologies, the current trends and their practical application in business.
The company will unveil its new FastIT model, which provides the necessary tools to obtain efficiency from the productivity of the employees. They will discuss, among other things, the advantages of Internet of Everything (IoE) and how to convert data from the network (Big Data) in real-time business value.