Production-ready containers arrive to Europe

Production-ready containers arrive to Europe

Container technologies give developers the tools they need to package an application with all the dependencies into a container which may be deployed and run in any environment.

This application portability enables developers to release software faster, as they don’t need to configure nor adapt it to different environments. In addition, containers are really light, so they make an efficient use of the resources they run on.

UDS Enterprise overcomes eLearning complexity

UDS Enterprise overcomes eLearning complexity

Students taking eLearning courses usually need software applications related to the courses content.

These vApp are complex to use due to commercial licenses issues. Moreover, students and teachers need technical skills to setup these applications in their PC or mobile devices.

The use of virtual machines that are accessed via web by students and teachers, reduces these issues but at the same time requires a complex user access management.

Dell & Microsoft team up to empower hybrid cloud

Dell & Microsoft team up to empower hybrid cloud

Dell announced at Dell World 2015 the expansion of its cloud portfolio with a new hybrid cloud solution, featuring technology jointly developed with Microsoft.

Dell Hybrid Cloud System for Microsoft is built around the new Microsoft Cloud Platform System Standard. It is the industry’s first integrated, modular hybrid cloud solution. This new system delivers simplified, automated deployment and maintenance capabilities, a unique payment solution to reduce customer investment risk and unparalleled hybrid cloud governance, control, and policy-based automation for Microsoft Azure and other cloud environments.

VMware updates its hybrid cloud management platform

VMware updates its hybrid cloud management platform

VMworld 2015, which is being held in Barcelona, has been marked by Dell’s acquisition of EMC, since EMC owns 80% of VMware. According to reports from the company, VMware will remain an independent company and it will continue to trade on the New York Stock Exchange. But it will take some time to know if this will imply any change for VMware.

As usual, several announcements have been made in this event, such as updates in hybrid cloud management platforms VMware vRealize Automation 7 and VMware vRealize Business Standard 7.

Hypervisors, oVirt & connection protocols

Hypervisors, oVirt & connection protocols

According to our followers, the most interesting topics added to our blog during last weeks are: the main differences among three of the most popular hypervisors (Hyper-V, ESXi & XenServer); UDS Enterprise & oVirt integration and the possibility of using any connection protocol with UDS Enterprise.

Find below the link to the top 3 articles in our blog in case you missed them:

Hyper-V, ESXi & XenServer comparison

ZDNet highlights UDS Enterprise & oVirt integration

UDS Enterprise supports any connection protocol

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