GitHub takes the first steps to archive Open Source in the Arctic

GitHub takes the first steps to archive Open Source in the Arctic

During the GitHub Universe 2019 event, two new and interesting projects were announced: GitHub Archive Program and GitHub Arctic Code Vault. The GitHub team has set out to preserve Open Source software so that it can be used for future generations. To do this, they are creating a vault in the Arctic, and have already begun to take the first steps to archive active public repositories on GitHub.

XCP-ng Forum, Evita project & IDC Awards

XCP-ng Forum, Evita project & IDC Awards

In our post today we gather the most read articles in our blog during the past month of January so that you can keep up to date with the most outstanding news of the VDI and Open Source sector.

First we find the article that talks about the thread in the XCP-ng forum that specifically talks about the compatibility of UDS Enterprise and the Open Source hypervisor based on XenServer. There, users can make any type of query about the interoperability of both solutions or about the characteristics, functionalities or technical doubts when implementing our VDI broker.

Google open sources tools to create security keys

Google open sources tools to create security keys

Companies and users are increasingly aware of the need to be extremely cautious when surfing the Internet and to properly protect their connected devices. The FIDO security keys are a way to provide extra protection against practices such as phishing. These are physical devices with an appearance similar to USB that users can connect to their terminals and are responsible for carrying out the double factor authentication (2FA).

With the aim of improving this technology and accelerating its adoption, Google has launched OpenSK, an Open Source project so that any organization or developer can create their own security keys compatible with FIDO U2F and FIDO2.

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