OpenStack Summit 2016 starts today in Barcelona

OpenStack Summit 2016 starts today in Barcelona

Barcelona hosts OpenStack Summit 2016 from today and until next Friday 28th October, a conference for developers, users and administrators of OpenStack Cloud software, the most widely deployed Open Source cloud platform. Those organizations or users planning to deploy a private, hybrid or multi-cloud infrastructure are invited to attend this event to skill up and plan their cloud strategy.

UDS Enterprise 2.0 RC, Debian & trainings for partners

UDS Enterprise 2.0 RC, Debian & trainings for partners

The general availability of UDS Enterprise 2.0 Release Candidate, the fixing of a vulnerability detected in Debianand the new trainings for partners desingned by the UDS Enterprise were the most outstanding topics in our blog during the first fortnight of September.

Find below the links to the posts on these subjects so that you can keep up to date with the most important news on Open Source and virtualization according to our followers:

Nexenta & Canonical deliver a joint SDS solution

Nexenta & Canonical deliver a joint SDS solution

Nexenta and Canonical have announced a joint solution that pairs Nexenta’s software-defined storage with Canonical’s Ubuntu OpenStack platform: NexentaEdge.

This new solution delivers high performance object and block storage services with Juju, a service model for automating the deployment and management of applications. This joint release allows Ubuntu customers to leverage NexentaEdge and provides seamless integration with Canonical OpenStack clouds.

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