Take a look back at October’s best VDI posts

by | Nov 3, 2021

ETIQUETAS: Hot news | VDI-en

Use cases with names and surnames always generate significant interest among technology readers. They are the perfect way to learn first-hand how an organization in a specific sector has solved its IT problems with the help of the solutions that exist today in the market. That is why it is not surprising that in the Top 3 of the most read articles on our blog during October; there are two case studies with our UDS Enterprise VDI software.

In the first place is the VDI project of Godó Communication Group. This well-known holding company trusts UDS Enterprise so that journalists from La Vanguardia, Mundo Deportivo, and RAC1 publish their news and reports using Windows virtual desktops.

The experience with UDS Enterprise at Reavis High School is the second article with the most visits in October. This case study explains in detail how, thanks to UDS Enterprise, the students of this American school can use graphics-intensive applications from any location with their Chromebooks.

Finally, in the third position of our ranking of articles last month, we find a piece of news about the European Cybersecurity Month and Virtual Cable’s commitment to providing its UDS Enterprise software with the most robust mechanisms to guarantee security in access to virtual desktops, virtualized applications and computers available for remote access.

The complete articles are available at the following links:

Godó Communication Group case study

Reavis High School case study

European Cybersecurity Month

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