Technology and Education at EXPO eLearning 2019

by | Mar 26, 2019

ETIQUETAS: Education | Hot news

Within the framework of the Education Week, tomorrow will kick off a new edition of EXPO eLearning at IFEMA (Madrid, Spain). During two days, technology and education will be the stars at this international event specialized in e-Learning, ICT and HR 3.0.

On the one hand, the Professional Fair will be held, which in its 25th edition will have 36 exhibitors from 6 different countries, who will announce their most innovative technological solutions related to online training.

In parallel, the XVIII International Congress will take place, where 25 speakers from 9 countries will offer eminently didactic conferences. The present and future of online training will be explained, which is closely linked to the latest technological trends.

This year the main topic is blockchain applied to e-Learning. The speakers will disclose, among other things, how to implement this technology in online learning platforms and the benefits it can bring about. In addition, some real cases of blockchain implementation will be exposed in the training and management of human resources.

Other leading technologies such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, big data, robotics, gamification, micro learning… will also be included in this congress. The digital transformation and the automation of work will be other topics that will be addressed during this event.

One of the key technologies for successfully facing technological transformation in the education sector is application and desktop virtualization. Universities and educational centers around the world are already enjoying their advantages. Its IT Departments manage and deploy thousands of VDI and vApp daily with the UDS Enterprise connection broker. Its support for Moodle turns it into a really useful tool for the academic environment, since it allows to access virtual desktops and applications through the most used Open Source learning platform in the world.

For more information, see the Case Studies with UDS Enterprise about desktop virtualization.



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